DIY Wallpaper Accent Wall in my Bathroom
make a statement with an accent wall
Make it stand out!
Wallpaper doesn’t have to look dated or retro. Try using it in a small space or just as an accent wall.
This pattern is obviously a little aggressive but there are so many affordable ones to choose from to match your style. .
If you choose something that does not have a repeated/symmetrical pattern, such as this one **Before you cut it** Make sure to measure the length of the pattern (specifically where it starts and stops on the wallpaper roll) then the wall so you can calculate how to it match up correctly. Otherwise it won’t look right. I wasted at least 8’ of mine making this mistake.
Roll the wallpaper completely out on a clean floor when measuring and cutting.
• Sharp hobby or exacto knife
• Measuring tape at least 10’ long
• Wall-covering smoothing tools:
• Felt edge square, plastic smoothing thing?, and hard roller
• Pencil or eyeliner ;)
• Long ruler or something straight
• A spray bottle if it’s not peel and stick wallpaper (read the description when buying it ). & for the love of god get yourself one that was bigger then mine along with a “clean” sponge or cloth.
• I bought mine off amazon you can find the link here
Different types of and areas for accent walls
•Floating shelves with tile backsplash
•Gallery Walls
• You can buy pre framed art work or find photos and print them out yourself to the perfect size like these ones from etsy
•Peel and stick wallpaper in a small powder room
• The accent wallpaper under this kitchen island adds some contrast to the white kitchen backsplash